Options for Participating in Therapy
Individual Psychotherapy: Individual therapy consists of a 50-minute session where your needs for change are explored. Thoughts and feelings are expressed in a private, sacred space with personal guidance that targets your needs and supports your growth.
Group Psychotherapy: Group psychotherapy is a legitimate option, and can be an adjunct to Individual, Couples, or sometimes Family Therapy. The least expensive route to the exploration of your thoughts and feelings, Group is a way of building self in a community environment. Group helps one see oneself in the context of community as the feedback is immediate.
Couple’s Therapy: Working with marriage, partnerships, or other intimate pairings we focus on achieving greater communication, connectedness and respect of differences while maintaining or enhancing greater individuality. Our sessions highlight seeking to know the unconscious communications in intimate pairings, and using the relationship to achieve greater psychological freedom -- the freedom to have or feel your own thoughts and feelings.
Family Therapy
About Stephen J. Abraham -
Bachelor of Science in Biology, 1977
Masters in Guidance and Counseling
Stephen J. Abraham is a Certified Professional Counselor, Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner, and recognized Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. He has continued his education through studying under several noted theorists including Jill Savege Scharff, MD, Neville Symington, MD, Anne Alvarez, PhD, Charles Ashbach, PhD, Robert Bly, PhD, James Hillman, PhD, David Scharff, MD, Marion Woodman, PhD, Michael Meade, among others.
In the early 1970’s, Steve specialized in Gestalt Therapy Training at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, where he also worked as their organic gardener. He then completed study in Poona Ashram, India, and with Carl Rogers at the University of California at San Diego’s Group Therapy program.
Steve’s interests in and study of Psychoanalysis and Object Relations Theory began in the early 90’s and culminated in his obtaining the International Psychotherapy Institute’s two year training certification, their two year proficiency certification, and towards completion of their family, couple, child and adolescent proficiency certification. He is working on his PhD in Clinical Psychology.